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Counselling services provide a space for people to find support and explore practical solutions to their problems. Counselling can help people with a range of issues, including depression, anxiety, relationship problems, bereavement and anger. We offer several services:

Addiction Counselling

Addiction counselling services can provide a vital support system for individuals suffering from addiction. Addiction counselling services are available at in Edmonton both online and in person.

Marriage Counselling

Marriage and couples counselling is a holistic approach to helping individuals and couples work through relationship issues.

PTSD/ Trauma Counselling

PTSD and trauma can be incredibly difficult to live with, and the healing process can be a long and challenging one. Fortunately, Our Online Therapy offers counselling and psychotherapy services to help you work through the healing journey.

Anxiety & Stress Management

Faced with the current state of affairs in the world, many people are struggling with anxiety and stress. The good news is that there is help available in the form of counselling services provided by OurOnlineTherapy.

Court Appointed Anger Management

Anger Management

Anger can be a difficult emotion to manage, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. Our Online Therapy in Edmonton, Alberta is here to help. We have a team of experienced and dedicated counselors and therapists who specialize in anger management services.

Sex Therapy

Sex therapy is a form of psychological therapy that focuses on helping individuals and couples to address issues related to sexual functioning and intimacy.

How does it work?

We are here to support you . Follow these simple steps to start the counselling .
Contact Our Team

The first step to scheduling counselling is to contact our team. You can do this either online or by phone.
Schedule a meeting

Once you’ve contacted our team, we will then arrange for an initial meeting. This meeting can be either online or in-person.
Begin Counselling Session

After the initial meeting, we can book an appointment form you as per your convenience to start the counselling.

Still have questions?

Contact us today to discuss about our services .

Frequently asked questions

Online therapy is a form of mental health treatment that is conducted via the internet. It is an increasingly popular option for people who are unable to access traditional in-person therapy due to geographical or time constraints. Online therapy typically involves one-on-one video or text-based sessions with a licensed therapist. These sessions can help people manage anxiety, depression, and stress, as well as other mental health issues. Online therapy can also be used to help individuals develop healthy coping skills and gain insight into their emotions and behaviors. Online therapy is often just as effective as in-person therapy, and it can be a great way for people to get the help they need without having to leave their homes.

A free counselling consultation is a great way for individuals to explore their mental health concerns without any commitment or cost. During a consultation, the counsellor will typically talk to the individual about their current emotional state, any issues they may be facing, and their overall mental health. They will then discuss what type of counselling would be most suitable for the individual and provide some initial advice and guidance. The benefit of having a free consultation is that it allows the individual to openly discuss their issues without any financial pressures, and get an understanding of how counselling could help them before they commit to a longer-term arrangement. It also allows the individual to find out if the counsellor is a good fit for them, both in terms of their approach and the way they work. Finally, it can give the individual the chance to ask any questions they may have about counselling and the process of beginning therapy.

The length of a counselling session typically depends on the type of counselling being provided. For example, many counselling sessions for individual therapy last for 50 minutes, while couples or family therapy sessions may last for up to 90 minutes. It is important to remember that the length of a counselling session is not set in stone, and that it can vary depending on the particular needs of the client. Some clients may require longer sessions in order to adequately address their issues, while others may be able to cover their topics in fewer sessions. Your counsellor will be able to give you more information about the typical length of a session and how long you can expect it to last.

Online therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with good reason. It offers a convenient, cost-effective way to access mental health services from the comfort of home. Its benefits include flexibility, anonymity, and access to a wider range of therapists and treatments. However, there are also some drawbacks to online therapy that should be taken into consideration. One downside is that online therapy may not be suitable for everyone, and it is important to assess whether it is the right fit for your specific needs. Additionally, the lack of physical contact that comes with online therapy can make it difficult to establish a strong therapeutic bond with your therapist. Finally, online therapy can also lead to a sense of isolation, since there is no physical connection with other people during the session. Despite these drawbacks, online therapy can be an effective way to access mental health services, particularly for those who are unable to attend traditional in-person therapy sessions.

Counselling sessions are confidential and secure. This means that whatever is discussed during the session is kept between the counsellor and the person receiving counselling. Counsellors will not even discuss what was discussed with anyone else, including the person’s family or friends. The only exception would be if the counsellor is legally obligated to report something, such as if the person being counselled poses a risk to themselves or someone else. It is important to discuss the privacy policy of any counsellor you are considering before beginning a session, so that you can understand how your information will be handled. In general, counselling sessions provide a safe and secure environment for people to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgement or consequence.

The cost of online therapy can vary depending on the provider and the type of services you need. Generally, online therapy sessions are priced similarly to in-person sessions. Depending on your insurance coverage and the therapist’s fees, the cost of online therapy can range from $80 to $180 per session. If you don’t have insurance, you may be able to find a therapist who offers sliding scale fees or free services.

Whether or not online therapy is worth the money depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Online therapy can be beneficial if you don’t have access to in-person mental health services or if you prefer the convenience and privacy of at-home sessions. Additionally, some therapists may offer additional services such as coaching, video conferencing, and text message support that can be especially helpful if you’re dealing with an acute mental health issue. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if the cost of online therapy is worth the potential benefits.

The answer to this question depends on the type of insurance coverage you have. If you have private insurance, it is always worth checking with your provider to see if they cover online therapy. Many insurance companies are now offering coverage for online therapy, and some may even offer discounts if you use their approved providers. If your insurance company does not cover online therapy, you may still be able to find a therapist who offers discounted rates. You should also look into telehealth or teletherapy services, which are offered through some health care providers. Ultimately, it is important to check with your insurance provider to find out what coverage they offer and whether or not they will cover online therapy.

It’s typically very easy to cancel or pause a session with an online therapist. Most online therapy providers have an online portal where you can manage your account and appointments. You can usually log in and cancel or pause any upcoming sessions with just a few clicks. If you need to speak to someone directly, most providers have customer service teams that are available by phone or email. They should be able to help you cancel or pause your sessions quickly and easily.

If you are unsure whether or not therapy is working for you, it is important to take the time to evaluate your progress. It can be helpful to come up with a list of goals that you would like to achieve through therapy and then track your progress towards those goals. If you find that you are making steady progress towards your goals, then therapy is likely working for you. However, if you find that your progress has stalled or you are having difficulty making progress, then it might be time to consider trying something else. It can also be helpful to talk to your therapist about how therapy is going and ask for their opinion on what else you could do to make therapy more effective. Ultimately, only you can decide if therapy is working or not and whether or not it is time to try something else.

The qualifications and degrees held by a therapist will vary depending on the type of therapy they practice. Generally, therapists will have at least a master’s degree in a field related to psychology, such as counseling, clinical psychology, or social work. They may also have additional certifications or specialized training in specific therapeutic techniques. Depending on the state in which they practice, therapists may also need to be licensed. In addition to formal training, therapists will also have experience working with clients and dealing with the issues that come up in therapy sessions. It is important to research the qualifications and credentials of any therapist you are considering working with to make sure they have the necessary education and experience to provide you with quality care.