As someone who has personally struggled with mental health issues, I understand the importance of accessing affordable therapy. Unfortunately, finding affordable therapy in Edmonton can be challenging, especially for those who are on a tight budget. This is where sliding scale therapy comes in. Sliding scale therapy is a payment option that allows individuals to pay for therapy based on their income. In this article, I’ll be discussing sliding scale therapy in Edmonton, how it works at, and the benefits of choosing our platform for affordable therapy.

Understanding Sliding Scale Therapy

Sliding scale therapy is a payment option that allows individuals to pay for therapy based on their income. This means that the cost of therapy is adjusted based on the client’s financial situation. For example, if someone earns a low income, they may only have to pay a fraction of the regular therapy fee. Sliding scale therapy is typically offered by private therapists and therapy clinics, but it’s important to note that not all therapists offer this payment option.

Sliding scale therapy is designed to make therapy more accessible to individuals who may not be able to afford it otherwise. It’s a great option for those who are on a tight budget, have limited insurance coverage, or are uninsured.

Advantages of Sliding Scale Therapy

There are many advantages to choosing sliding scale therapy. First and foremost, it’s a more affordable option for individuals who may not be able to afford traditional therapy. Sliding scale therapy also allows individuals to receive the same quality of care as those who pay full price for therapy. This means that clients receiving sliding scale therapy can still receive the same level of support and guidance as those who pay full price.

Another advantage of sliding scale therapy is that it reduces the stigma associated with seeking therapy. Many individuals are hesitant to seek therapy due to the high cost, but sliding scale therapy makes therapy more accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

How Sliding Scale Therapy Works at

At, we understand the importance of affordable therapy. That’s why we offer sliding scale therapy to our clients. Our sliding scale fees are based on household income and family size, and we offer a range of fees to ensure that therapy is accessible to everyone.

To qualify for sliding scale therapy at, clients must provide proof of income. This can include a recent pay stub or tax return. Once a client’s income has been verified, they can choose the fee that works best for them. Our fees range from $40 to $70 per session, depending on the client’s income.

Benefits of Choosing for Sliding Scale Therapy in Edmonton

There are many benefits to choosing for sliding scale therapy in Edmonton. First and foremost, we make therapy accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. Our sliding scale fees ensure that our clients only pay what they can afford, making therapy more accessible to those who may not be able to afford it otherwise.

Another benefit of choosing for sliding scale therapy is that we offer a range of therapy options. We offer individual therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy, so clients can choose the type of therapy that works best for them. also offers online therapy, which is a convenient option for clients who may not be able to attend in-person therapy sessions. Online therapy allows clients to receive therapy from the comfort of their own home, making it a great option for those who live in remote areas or have mobility issues.

Different Types of Therapy Available at

At, we offer a range of therapy options to suit the needs of our clients. Our individual therapy sessions are designed to help clients work through personal issues and develop coping strategies. We also offer couples therapy for those who are experiencing relationship issues, and family therapy for those who are struggling with family dynamics.

We also offer specialized therapy options, including trauma therapy, addiction therapy, and grief and loss therapy. Our therapists work with clients to develop personalized treatment plans that address their specific needs and concerns.

How to Book an Appointment for Sliding Scale Therapy

Booking an appointment for sliding scale therapy at is easy. Simply visit our website and fill out our contact form. One of our therapists will be in touch to schedule an appointment.

Before your first appointment, you’ll need to provide proof of income to qualify for sliding scale fees. This can include a recent pay stub or tax return. Once your income has been verified, you can choose the fee that works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sliding Scale Therapy

  1. Who is eligible for sliding scale therapy? Sliding scale therapy is available to anyone who is on a tight budget, has limited insurance coverage, or is uninsured.

  2. How do I qualify for sliding scale therapy at To qualify for sliding scale therapy at, you’ll need to provide proof of income. This can include a recent pay stub or tax return.

  3. What types of therapy are available at We offer individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, trauma therapy, addiction therapy, and grief and loss therapy.

  4. How do I book an appointment for sliding scale therapy? To book an appointment for sliding scale therapy at, simply fill out our contact form on our website.

Support Resources Available at

At, we believe in providing our clients with the support they need to succeed. That’s why we offer a range of support resources, including self-help articles, mental health assessments, and online support groups.

Our self-help articles cover a range of topics, including anxiety, depression, and stress management. We also offer mental health assessments to help clients identify areas where they may need additional support. Our online support groups provide a safe and supportive environment for clients to connect with others who may be going through similar struggles.

Testimonials from Clients Who Have Used Sliding Scale Therapy at

“I was hesitant to seek therapy because I couldn’t afford it, but the sliding scale fees at made it possible for me to get the support I needed.” – Sarah

“The therapists at are compassionate and understanding. I felt heard and validated during my sessions.” – John

“I was skeptical about online therapy at first, but it ended up being a great option for me. It was convenient and allowed me to receive therapy from the comfort of my own home.” – Emily


Sliding scale therapy is a great option for individuals who may not be able to afford traditional therapy. At, we offer sliding scale therapy to make therapy more accessible to everyone. We believe that everyone deserves access to affordable therapy, and we’re committed to providing our clients with the support they need to succeed. If you’re interested in booking an appointment for sliding scale therapy, visit our website today.