As a registered social worker in Alberta, I have found that online counselling has become increasingly popular in recent years. The convenience and accessibility of online counselling have made it a great option for people who are unable to attend in-person sessions. In this comprehensive guide, I will be discussing the benefits of online counselling in Alberta and how can help you access the support you need.

Introduction to online counselling in Alberta

Online counselling, also known as teletherapy, is a form of therapy that is conducted over the internet. It can be done through video conferencing, phone calls, or messaging. In Alberta, online counselling is a regulated profession, which means that only registered social workers and psychologists are allowed to provide this service.

Benefits of online counselling

One of the biggest benefits of online counselling is its convenience. You can access therapy from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This means that you don’t have to worry about travel time or finding a therapist near you. Online counselling is also more flexible than in-person therapy because you can schedule sessions at a time that works for you.

Another benefit of online counselling is that it can be more affordable than in-person therapy. Many online counselling services offer lower rates than traditional therapy because they don’t have the same overhead costs. This makes therapy more accessible to people who may not have been able to afford it otherwise.

Online counselling can also be less intimidating than in-person therapy. Some people may feel more comfortable opening up to a therapist over the internet because they feel less exposed. This can make therapy more effective because clients are more likely to be honest and open with their therapist.

Registered Social Workers can provide online counselling

In Alberta,  registered social workers  psychologists and other registered clinicians are allowed to provide online counselling. This means that you can trust that the person you are speaking with is qualified and trained to provide therapy. Registered social workers have completed a master’s degree in social work and have gone through supervised clinical practice. They are also required to follow a code of ethics, which ensures that they provide safe and effective therapy.

Online counselling in Alberta – regulations and guidelines

The Alberta College of Social Workers regulates online counselling in Alberta. They have developed guidelines for social workers who provide this service to ensure that clients receive safe and effective therapy. These guidelines include requirements for informed consent, confidentiality, and record-keeping.

What is and how does it work? is an online counselling service that provides video counselling with registered social workers in Alberta. The service is easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. uses a secure platform to ensure that your sessions are private and confidential.

Features and services of offers a range of services to help you access the support you need. They offer video counselling sessions with registered social workers, as well as messaging therapy. They also have a range of resources available on their website, including articles and self-help tools.

One of the unique features of is that they offer a sliding scale fee structure. This means that they adjust their fees based on your income, making therapy more affordable and accessible to everyone.

How to get started with

Getting started with is easy. You can sign up for an account on their website and complete a brief intake form. Once you have completed the form, you will be matched with a registered social worker who is best suited to your needs. You can then schedule your first session and begin your counselling journey.

Success stories of online counselling through

Many people have had success with online counselling through They have reported feeling more comfortable and at ease during their sessions because they are able to access therapy from the comfort of their own home. Clients have also reported that they have gained new insights and coping strategies through their therapy sessions.

Comparison of online counselling vs traditional in-person therapy

Online counselling and traditional in-person therapy have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In-person therapy allows for face-to-face interaction, which can help build a stronger therapeutic relationship. However, it can be more difficult to schedule and attend in-person sessions.

Online counselling, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility and convenience. Clients can access therapy from anywhere, at any time. It can also be more affordable than in-person therapy. However, some people may feel less connected to their therapist because they are not meeting in-person.

Frequently asked questions about online counselling in Alberta

Is online counselling effective?

Yes, online counselling can be just as effective as in-person therapy. The key is finding a qualified and experienced therapist, and being committed to the therapy process.

Is online counselling confidential?

Yes, online counselling is confidential. uses a secure platform to ensure that your sessions are private and confidential. Registered social workers are also required to follow a code of ethics, which includes maintaining client confidentiality.

How do I know if online counselling is right for me?

Online counselling may be a good option for you if you are unable to attend in-person sessions, or if you prefer the convenience of accessing therapy from your own home. It is important to speak with a qualified therapist to determine if online counselling is the right choice for you.

Conclusion: Is online counselling right for you?

Online counselling can be a great option for people who are unable to attend in-person therapy, or who prefer the convenience of accessing therapy from their own home. offers a range of services to help you access the support you need, including video counselling with registered social workers. If you are considering online counselling, it is important to speak with a qualified therapist to determine if it is the right choice for you.